How has clixifix® changed the way your team manage your Customer Care procedures at Stone Homes?

We are now able to manage our customer care programme on a more consistent level. Instead of dealing with all customer queries by e-mail, phone calls, text or in person, all queries are channeled through clixifix. This allows us to manage customer expectations on a more even basis, with all subsequent communications being logged as a timeline, this feature providing invaluable real time information for our customers and suppliers.

What were you using to manage the communication and process prior to clixifix® ?

Spreadsheet and Microsoft Project, well intention-ed but full of holes, providing the potential to disappoint and miscommunicate however unintentional.

What are your favourite features with clixifix® ?

We are able to manage Customer Care at any time of the day, with each communication being transmitted directly to the customer. Communication is vastly improved.

Would you recommend clixifix® and why?

Yes! clixifix is a cost effective customer care solution, adding a level of professionalism to our small but aspirational company. We work hard on fostering positive customer experiences, utilising clixifix has ensured that our customers remain our best sales weapon, but without trying their patience.


Stone Homes Ltd 

Wildwood,  Burgham Park

Felton,  Morpeth,  Northumberland,  NE65 9QY