clixifix® defect and repair resolution software was developed to take the headache out of Customer Care for housebuilders by putting all reported defects and repairs in a single place, enabling...
Before the demo of clixifix I was unsure as to what to expect. I have some experience with overly complex software… …and I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised. The software is very easy...
Most software that is used for Customer Service is cobbled from and Accounting or Purchasing Package and is difficult to use as the required features to do the job effectively just aren’t there....
We wanted to improve our customer care approach at Gus Robinsons, but we were concerned about the costs of Construction Software ..when we were introduced to clixifix, the cost was not the biggest...
After delivering a high volume of completions we were working very hard to keep on top of our Customer Care at Renaker …so when we were introduced to clixifix it really struck a chord with my...
I’ve worked in the Development and Construction industry for over 25 years and in that time I’ve held senior management positions for a number of construction/development companies...
The ethos of transparency surrounding your aftercare and sales journey at Pocket for your new home owners is very refreshing, did clixifix help to facilitate this ethos with your stakeholders? Pocket...
How has clixifix® changed the way your team manage your Customer Care procedures at Stone Homes? We are now able to manage our customer care programme on a more consistent level. Instead of dealing...
clixifix® has rationalised the process of recording and progressing customer care complaints which enables our customer-care co-ordinators to manage the entire process in one system and to track...
Technology is now available to help housebuilders before, during and after the sales process, and while early adopters are reaping the benefits, some are not yet switched on. RUPERT BATES explores...
For any house builder, it’s fundamental to the success of your business to keep your new homeowners happy. In very simplistic terms your customers are the only reason that your Construction...
clixifix®, Customer Care, simplified is knocking on the door of scooping a national award after being shortlisted for the Best IT System or APP at the Housing Excellence Awards 2015. The Housing...