
How has clixifix® changed the way your team manage your Customer Care procedures at Igloo Regen?
clixifix® has been an invaluable tool for me and my team, it’s a great way to log issues and keep track of defects. We have started to use clixifix® on all of our housing developments as it is so user-friendly.
What were you using to manage the communication and process prior to clixifix®?
Previously we communicated via phone and email and I logged the issues manually on an Excel document.
Were there any particular issues with this approach?
Things were missed, the system relied heavily on me updating the sheet and communicating between all parties was difficult.
Rachel Hopwell – Centre Manager
igloo, for People, Place and Planet
07917 351 325
facebook: IglooRegeneration
twitter: @iglooRegen
What are your favourite features with clixifix®?
It’s so easy to use – and everything is in one place.
Would you recommend clixifix and why?
I would absolutely recommend clixifix® – it’s a great way to oversee any defects, reporting procedure and is good value for money!
Anything else you would like to add?
I truly believe that clixifix® has saved time and money, reporting defects previously was a full time job! Now I have time to do what I need to, but still have to capability to oversee any issues reported.