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June 1, 2024

Bricks & Clicks: Using Digital Ads To Reach More Buyers

The property development market is highly competitive. Whether you’re looking to sell new homes or promote a new development, the challenge is the same: getting your message in front of the right audience.

For housebuilders, traditional marketing methods like billboards, print ads, and word-of-mouth still play a role. But in 2024, digital advertising is critical for reaching a tech-savvy audience who start their property search online.

In this article, we’ll explore how housebuilders can leverage online advertising platforms, including LinkedIn, to target potential buyers effectively. From Google Ads to Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, we’ll cover the key strategies you can use to ensure your developments don’t go unnoticed.

1. Understanding Your Target Audience

Before you invest in any advertising, you need to define your target audience. For housebuilders, the audience might include:

  • First-time buyers
  • Investors looking for new developments to rent out
  • Families seeking larger homes
  • Retirees interested in downsizing

Each of these groups has specific needs and digital habits. Using detailed targeting options from platforms like Facebook, Google, and LinkedIn, you can narrow down your audience based on factors like location, age, job title, and even online behaviour. 

For example, Google Ads allows you to target users based on their search behaviour—ideal for when prospects are actively searching for new homes. Facebook and Instagram let you get more granular with demographic data such as income level, family status, and interests, making them effective platforms for targeting families or lifestyle buyers.

2. Using LinkedIn for “B2C” Property Marketing

While LinkedIn is traditionally seen as a B2B platform, it can be a powerful tool for housebuilders to reach key decision-makers and high-net-worth individuals. Professionals in senior roles—think CEOs, CFOs, and senior managers—are often in a position to invest in properties or seek out developments for their families.

Here’s how you can use LinkedIn to target relevant audiences:

  • LinkedIn Ads: LinkedIn allows you to target users based on their job titles, industries, and seniority. For example, you could run ads targeting directors and C-suite executives in industries like finance, real estate, and tech, who are more likely to have the budget for larger homes or investment properties.
  • Sponsored Content: Sharing high-quality content about your developments or housing trends can position your company as a thought leader in the space. For example, you could create posts about the benefits of investing in off-plan properties or the latest architectural trends.
  • Thought Leader Ads: Use this ad format to promote personal or company posts that include video tours of new developments or testimonials from happy buyers. This type of ad maintains the feel of a personal post, which can resonate more effectively with LinkedIn’s professional audience.

3. Visual Storytelling on Facebook and Instagram

When it comes to selling homes, visuals are everything.

Facebook and Instagram are ideal platforms for showcasing stunning visuals of your new developments. Use professional photography, 3D renderings, and even drone footage to give potential buyers a real feel for the properties.

  • Facebook Carousel Ads: These allow you to display a series of images or videos in a single ad, perfect for showcasing different aspects of a development—interior, exterior, and surrounding amenities.
  • Instagram Stories and Reels: Short video snippets of property tours or construction progress can engage your audience in a more dynamic way. You can target these ads based on location, interests, and user behaviour, ensuring you reach the right audience.

4. Google Ads for Intent-Based Marketing

While visuals can inspire, Google Ads can help you capture demand when buyers are actively searching for new homes. With Google’s intent-based targeting, you can place ads in front of users searching for keywords like “new homes in [location]” or “buy property in [city].”

  • Search Ads: Appear at the top of search results when potential buyers are searching for homes.
  • Display Ads: Target users as they browse property-related websites, blogs, or news outlets. Visual display ads can keep your development top of mind, even if the buyer isn’t ready to enquire just yet.

5. Retargeting: Don’t Let Interested Buyers Slip Away

One of the most powerful tools in digital advertising is retargeting. After a potential buyer visits your website or engages with one of your ads, you can follow up with retargeting ads on platforms like Facebook, Google, and LinkedIn.

  • For example, if someone visits your development’s landing page but doesn’t fill out an enquiry form, you can serve them a retargeting ad with a special offer, such as a virtual tour or a limited-time discount on units.
  • Retargeting on LinkedIn can be particularly effective if you’re targeting high-net-worth professionals who may need multiple touch points before making a decision.

6. Tracking and Optimising Your Campaigns

Finally, as with any digital marketing effort, tracking and optimisation are crucial. Use platform-specific analytics tools to monitor the performance of your ads:

  • CTR (Click-Through Rate): Are people clicking on your ads?
  • Conversion Rate: How many clicks actually lead to enquiries or sales?
  • Impressions and Reach: Are your ads being seen by the right audience?

By regularly reviewing these metrics and adjusting your targeting, creative, or budget, you can continuously improve the performance of your campaigns.

Online advertising offers housebuilders a powerful way to reach potential buyers where they spend most of their time—online. From Google to Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, each platform has unique strengths that can help you connect with different segments of your audience.

By using a combination of intent-driven ads on Google, visual storytelling on Facebook and Instagram, and professional targeting on LinkedIn, you can ensure your developments get the visibility they deserve.

Start small, test what works, and scale your efforts as you see results.